[ Brand · Logo ]
✱ Muyu 慕雨
{ Project Notes }
我們也以此延伸形象角色 ─ 小雨滴,撐著雲傘在朦朧的雨中行走,無論世界如何變化,只要換個角度觀察,就能從中發現美好。
慕雨希望為顧客的生活帶來更多療愈時刻。其標準字採用了簡約的線條搭建,定調圓潤、現代 並搭配低飽和的灰藍色、卡其色作為品牌色 整體視覺中性、柔和、清新 。
Muyu is a lifestyle select shop, and its name comes from the owner's habit of enjoying watching the rain outside the window. In Chinese, "mu/慕" means "love" and "yu/雨" means "rain" which is how this romantic name came to be.
We extended this concept into a character: a little raindrop walking through the misty rain, holding a cloud umbrella. No matter how the world changes, beauty can always be found by observing from a different perspective.
Muyu hopes to bring more simple pleasures into the lives of its customers. The typography uses simple, clean lines with a rounded, modern design, and the brand colors consist of muted tones of gray-blue and khaki, which create a visual identity that is neutral, soft, and unpretentious.
│ Type │ Logo Design for Small Business
│ Client │ Muyu 慕雨生活選物
│ Year │ 2022